Jon Evans

>How much wealthier have we become?

Posted on October 8, 2010. Filed under: Jon Evans, Maisonneuve, technology |


 Jon Evans on the currency of technology and the defeat of extremism @ Maisonneuve.

A few years ago, a friend’s intelligent and well-read teenage son saw Hotel Rwanda and said, “I didn’t know they had houses in Africa. I thought they all lived in shacks.” I suspect that was a common reaction. Wars, famines and floods may make for good entertainment, but the media’s relentless portrayal of the developing world as a cauldron of endless disasters is so seriously skewed that most Westerners have no understanding of what life there is really like.

Enter the dismal science. We may not grok other languages or cultures, but everyone understands money. Reducing life to dollars is a massive oversimplification, of course, and can be misleading, but it can also be extremely illustrative. Let’s start with a particularly stark example: the Taliban.

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